Friday, December 26, 2008

Ganesha within us.....

People worship the god in different names expecting the gods to bless them with health, happiness, intelligence, prosperity and ultimately “Nirvaana”. We keep our gods in some heaven and we worship them to take us to heaven after death.

Ganesha is worshiped as the god of wisdom, knowledge and worshiped before starting anything new. We are experts in chanting many mantras to please gods to make us successful. Do we know the significance of these mantras? Have we ever thought how closely our gods are related to us?
Ganesha is not someone who sits somewhere in heaven blessing us with wisdom. Ganesha is the intelligence flowing through our body and mind.
Our intelligence gets cut into pieces (intellect) because of the junk stored in our mind. Enlightenment clears all these blocks and lets the natural intelligence to flow effortlessly. “Enlightenment is about aligning our conscious and unconscious with super conscious intelligence by being aware”.
Unconscious part of the brain takes billion bits of information per second where as conscious brain takes only 8 bits per second.
Hence the decision made in the unconscious intelligence and 8bps output goes as input to conscious brain which we think as decision maker. Also scientists have proved that it takes 0.5 seconds for this information to reach conscious part of the brain because of the junk we created with our past experiences and learning.

An excerpt from Ganesha Upanishads says “Twam mooladhara sthitosi nityam”. i.e. Ganesha resides in our base of the spinal cord. Opening up all our chakra’s starting from mooladhara lets the Ganesha flow through your body.

Let each living being in this universe experience the Ganesha within it.


Monday, December 1, 2008

Smiling SKY -- Jupiter, Venus and Crescent Moon = Smiley Face!!

Go out and see the sky smiling at you.. :)

Yes. Today is a special day as convergence of Jupiter, Venus and Crescent Moon creates smiley face in the sky. This astral phenomenon appears only once in 5 years.
I was not lucky to view this as the sky was covered with cloud.

In US it will be inverted hence it will appear as frowning face. Is this the implicit indication of US economic meltdown??

Though these astral bodies appear to be very close the actual distances from the earth are-
Moon - 403,000 km
Venus - 149.5 million km
Jupiter - 870 million km

Enjoy the smiling sky!!! Happy Sky watching!!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

May their souls rest in peace......

Deep respect to the BRAVE HEARTS who sacrificed their lives for the country and condolence to their families.

May their souls rest in peace!!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Franchising Vs Distributor/dealer model - Commitment Vs Risk ??

Franchising Business: A business model involving licensing of brand-name, trade mark and method of business/technology. There are 2 entities in this model:

1. Franchiser: Company which provides business model, technology, brand name and receives the royalty from franchisee for this offering. If you have an established business/unique technology/brand name, this is the fastest model to expand your business.
2. Franchisee: Person/Company which does the business using franchiser's brand name and business model. When you are planning to start new business without much investment and don't have plans to grow very big you can take the franchising of an established brand. This reduces your risk, investment on Research and development and guaranteed ROI as its a proven business concept.

Dealer-Distributor model: Method of selling the product/solution through existing dealer-distributor network. Dealer/Distributor gets some percent of commission for selling the goods and Manufacturer decides the final price of the product.
Distributor buys the product in bulk from the manufacturer and sells it to dealer who is a retail seller/sells goods to customer.

Though both franchising and Dealer-distributor models are methods for expanding a company's business rapidly, choosing the right solution depends on your business.
Franchising model is best suited -
- when you have multiple products
- when you have unique technology which cannot be copied easily without high investments, long development cycle, large investment on research and development.
- Need to build franchisee network (can use 3rd party services to build the franchisee network. eg: teamindiamangers)

Dealer-Distributor network can be used for selling your product
- When you have fewer products
- better way to sell by making use of the existing network

Franchising model reduces your headache of customer service and responsibility of marketing and sales. Franchisee is a small entrepreneur who is enthusiastic about the business. He believes in your business model and invests his money hence you need to give certain commitments to make his business work.
Dealer/Distributor doesn't worry about your business and is only interested in the commission he gets on your product. Hence you have to take complete responsibility of expanding the business.

Hence think building the franchisee network is beneficial when you have enough business, established model and resources to satisfy the crying baby(franchisee).

Commit only if you are able to satisfy it!!!

Sunday, November 2, 2008


Freedom is a state of consciousness free from all bondages, enables us to take action. Being unreasonable makes us to be free. Life gives us two choices – one accepting the circumstance with grace making it as a door of opportunity and the other way is to become the victim of a circumstance and suffer from it. In many we make ourselves the victim of a circumstance and suffer throughout the life thought we are free make our own choice.

Actions become transparent when you act to an event instead of reaction. Action comes from mind whereas reaction is always generated by emotions.

Freedom doesn’t exist in external things/events. It is not there in authority or rights also. Freedom and business are closely coupled terms. We are generally under the impression that I will be free to make decisions if I have my own business and when I am my own boss. But it makes me responsible for the whole organization and answerable to anything related to business and I have millions of customer who are my bosses J. In positive terms being responsible for one’s life makes us free. I being the cause and matter for everything in my life make me responsible for every thing in my life.


Creativity is about jolting us out of our comfort zones.

What is creativity? How can one become creative? I have to think out of box to define creativity J. Let me copy-paste Tom peters definition “Creativity is about jolting us out of our comfort zones.” Can you see me not being creative in defining “Creativity” because of my ctrl-c habit J? This is the most dangerous habit a person can cultivate in his life.

Many times we limit creativity to some artwork like paintings, architecture, photography etc. “Creativity is in being limitless, and thinking beyond the horizons generating new ideas, processes and products.” Creative products are tangible form of one’s creative thioughts.

How can we develop creativity? Does it come from knowledge or unlearning?

Creativity is not the transformation that happens overnight. Our knowledge, experience and wisdom together make us creative. Sometime our limited knowledge stops us from thinking out of box.

There are different zones of the knowledge – 1) You know that you know 2) You know that you don’t know 3) You don’t even know that you know – this constitutes almost 99% of the knowledge of the universe. The more you are connected to the cosmos, the more you can access the wisdom of the god. This connectivity can be strengthened through yoga and meditation practices, which increases your awareness.

You don’t need to go to Himalayas in search of creativity. Whenever you come across some challenge, instead of telling “I can’t do it” inquire yourself “How can I do it?” Creativity is inside you; give some space for it to come out!!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Zero Limits

Joe vitale’s “Zero Limits” is about Hawaiian technology “Ho Oponopono” for cleansing our mind. It is a very powerful technique to remove toxic energy inside us and invoke the positive energy within us.

Author’s quest started when he heard about the Hawaiian master who cured all criminal patients in a mental hospital, without even seeing them.

Friday, September 26, 2008

What is Bhagavad-Gita??

Bhagavad-Gita is
• Manual for living / operating our body and mind which is the most complex architecture in the universe
• Great book of psychology
• Best energy booster
• Not a book of religion ( it’s a way of living which can be followed without any religious bar)
• Not for the one who is running away from life

It was taught by Krishna (who is the greatest psychologist in the world) to Arjuna (is a great achiever) in the war field, when he was depressed in the Warfield
Bhagavad-Gita is for the one who is deprived after success. War field symbolizes our life and Gita prepares one to fight the war of life being internally peaceful.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

For visionary leaders..... - Be the reason for your people to get up in the morning!!

What is leadership? What are the characteristics of a visionary leader? I would like to put my thoughts on leadership driven by Robin Sharma’s “Leadership Wisdom”.

  1. Link Paycheck to purpose: Every human being in this world constantly looks for the opportunity to grow. Giving growth opportunity to your people everyday makes you real hero in your team.
  2. Lead by Heart – Manage by mind

    1. Cornerstones of effective human relationships:
      1. Promise keeping - I will do what I say I will do
      2. Aggressive listening – Listen with the intent to understand- not with the intent to respond
      3. Being consistently compassionate – Blend humanity with courage
      4. Truth telling -
    2. Briefly summarize and paraphrase what you have heard – Develop expressions such as – “just to make sure I understand you properly, are you saying?