People worship the god in different names expecting the gods to bless them with health, happiness, intelligence, prosperity and ultimately “Nirvaana”. We keep our gods in some heaven and we worship them to take us to heaven after death.
Ganesha is worshiped as the god of wisdom, knowledge and worshiped before starting anything new. We are experts in chanting many mantras to please gods to make us successful. Do we know the significance of these mantras? Have we ever thought how closely our gods are related to us?
Ganesha is not someone who sits somewhere in heaven blessing us with wisdom. Ganesha is the intelligence flowing through our body and mind.
Our intelligence gets cut into pieces (intellect) because of the junk stored in our mind. Enlightenment clears all these blocks and lets the natural intelligence to flow effortlessly. “Enlightenment is about aligning our conscious and unconscious with super conscious intelligence by being aware”.
Unconscious part of the brain takes billion bits of information per second where as conscious brain takes only 8 bits per second.
Hence the decision made in the unconscious intelligence and 8bps output goes as input to conscious brain which we think as decision maker. Also scientists have proved that it takes 0.5 seconds for this information to reach conscious part of the brain because of the junk we created with our past experiences and learning.
An excerpt from Ganesha Upanishads says “Twam mooladhara sthitosi nityam”. i.e. Ganesha resides in our base of the spinal cord. Opening up all our chakra’s starting from mooladhara lets the Ganesha flow through your body.
Let each living being in this universe experience the Ganesha within it.
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