Sunday, May 9, 2010

Quitters Never Win and Winners Never Quit!! (Speech craft final day - Speech contest)

Mount Destiny!! The Majestic Mountain beside Humdrum City.
Renowned for its marvelous valleys, dense forest

Mr. Toastmaster and fellow Toastmasters,
Very few had succeeded in reaching the peak of The Mount Destiny!!

Mike, Mark and Jack were three young men "No Goal Arcade” of Humdrum City. One day they decide to climb mount destiny… They started hiking without second thought. Soon they got to “Dead End Canyon”. Headed back to No Goal Arcade!! Moral- If you fail to plan u plan to fail!!

Days past...
Their burning desire to reach peak of destiny made them to talk to every one about their dream!!
When you really want to do something the whole universe conspires to help you in achieving it!!

An elderly man, who had climbed destiny, happened to visit their arcade one day!! He mentored them to plan the expedition!!

It’s fantastic to get great ideas… But taking a step forward your goal requires courage and determination.
Our hiking troop said adieu to “No Goal Arcade” and headed towards “Mount Destiny”
The weather was very cooperative for first couple days.But then the wind and rain started. Every step got heavier and the progress they made each hour became next to nil. Frustrated! They climbed into their sleeping bags and went to sleep.

In the morning the sun broke through the clouds.Mike and Mark were excited to get going. Jack however was nowhere to be found. In his sleeping bag there was a note. "Guys, I'm going back to the arcade to my old friends. This climb is too much work and the weather is a pain. You can go on OR can join me back at the Arcade."

Mike and Mark were not detoured from their goal. The mountain peak was still there to conquer.
Crossing many terrains they found a beautiful valley named "Good Enough Valley". They camped in the valley for few days!! They played in the sun, fished and watched the wild life with great curiosity.

Mike started getting restless!! Destiny’s peak was calling him. But Mark! Decided to stay there. Good enough valley was good enough for him.
If you settle for second best that is all you will ever be or have. Mike decided to follow his heart!!
Difficult rock walls, huge boulders and fallen trees couldn’t stop him. The air became thin and his body ached from the constant push. Determined to make it to the top!! He kept going without turning back.
Finally he succeeded in reaching the apex of destiny!!

Be the man OR woman of action!! Execution!!! Be the Michelangelo of your own life!!

Dear friends, today as I graduate from this speech craft session I had decided not to settle for the good enough valley. I am continuing my journey with Toast masters till I achieve the apex of destiny

 Quitters Never Win and Winners Never Quit!!

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