Sunday, August 15, 2010

Independence Day Celebration @ Sunshine

Spirit of freedom was eloquently flowing in the words every sun-shiner!! Freedom of speech was being exercised in perfect way!!
“Tiranga”, India’s National flag had colored the festive mood of Sunshine’s 544th meeting… We, Sun-shiners celebrated the “64th Independence day of India”.

President Jose in his special speech shared the Great Visions of India’s past president, rocket man and visionary leader “Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam”. Let me put it in APJ’s words.
1. FREEDOM - India got its first vision of this in 1857, when we started the war of independence. It is this freedom that we must protect and nurture and built on. If we are not free, no one will respect us.
2. DEVELOPMENT - For fifty years we have been a developing nation. It is time we see ourselves as a developed nation. We are among top 5 nations of the world in terms of GDP. We have 10 percent growth rate in most areas. Our poverty levels are falling; our achievements are being globally recognized today. Yet we lack the self-confidence to see ourselves as a developed, self reliant and self assured nation.
3. The India must STAND UP TO THE WORLD. Unless India stands up to the world, no one will respect us. Only strength respects strength. We must be strong not only as a military power but also as an economic power. Both must go hand-in-hand.

Authenticity in his words made each of think and work towards realizing APJ’s dreams of “Developed India”. The speech awakened the patriot in every Sunshiner!!

Table topic master Anand had wisely designed the topics to ignite the nationalism and integrity of speakers. The session was flooded with the ecstasy of patriotism…

Lastly, National Anthem “Janagana Adhinaayaka Jayahe……” in Latha’s voice took us to the nostalgic mood…!! We paid our tribute to the brave freedom fighters, who surrendered their lives for the nation’s integrity!!
Let those immortal souls rest in peace!!
Let that patriotic euphoria be alive forever!!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Wanna calm the fluttering butterflies in your stomach??

Yessss!! There is a way out!! Very Simple...!! When you are forced to fight with the fluttering butterflies often, U get used to it :) Table topic session of the toast masters meeting is specially designed to push you towards achieving it !!
Today I had the chance to pull people out to speak on exciting topics :)) yeah...  I was the table topic master of the day...!!
How do you feel when some one asks you to express your views on "Time Management" when you are really late for the event??
Doesn't it make you feel like running out of the place.... ;) But U cant ;-)
Like every other Thursday, I was late for TM meeting.. and theme of the day was "Time Management". I, being table topic master, was asked to express my opinion on Time Management. ouchhhhh!! being 15 min. late, I really don't have any moral rights to speak on this :(( hmmmm... I need to get out of my IST(Indian Stretchable Time)...
Coming on to Today's experience, feel like I performed this role better than last time. I found myself much comfortable on the podium today!!
Had I done much research on topics......

Here goes the topic list:
1) Life is just a series of moments.If you miss the moments,you miss your life.
2) You Can’t Predict the Future, But You Can Create It
3) If You Keep Doing What Worked in the Past You’re bound to Fail
4) Approach Problems with Your Ignorance—Not Your Experience
5) The Objective of Marketing Is to Make Selling Unnecessary
6) Management is a social function and has mostly to do with people, not things and procedures
7) Every organizational unit is a direct reflection of the leadership it's been given
8) With 3G spectrum auctions, Govt of India raised 16k crores Rs. But it created negative impact on the credit metrics of telcom operators.
Could you provide your views on this...
9) Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things
10) Ideation without execution is nothing more than delusion
11) When you really want to do something the whole universe conspires to help you in achieving it!!
12) Recently Google Pulled out from china citing security threats as the main reason. Do you think this is the right business decision for a company like google?

Table Topics

Current affairs/Social issues
  • If you have the privilege to transform the education system in India, How would you want the system to be?
  • Recently, the U.S. Senate passed the health care bill with the vision to provide good healthcare to everyone. Could you express your ideas on how we can ensure quality healthcare to every Citizen of our nation.
  • Do you think Indian Rupees /China’s Yaun can replace US $ as world’s reserve currency?
  • Do you think stricter policies imposed by government can reduce pollution and make great contribution to the green earth mission?
  • Your views on whether software patents should be awarded?
  • Do you think quality healthcare should be made as fundamental right of every citizen?

  • "An investment in knowledge pays the best interest." -Benjamin Franklin
  • Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant -" -Robert Louis Stevenson
  • Who we are is the result of desires backed by actions
  • "Knowledge has to be improved, challenged, and increased constantly, or it vanishes." -Peter Drucker
  • "It's not what we profess but what we practice that gives us integrity." -Francis Bacon
  • The best way to predict the future is to create it.
  • Happiness is not what you get! It is what you choose to feel.
  • Ideation without execution is nothing more than delusion
  • Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things.
  • Desire is the turning point of all achievements – Napoleon Hill
  • Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age eighteen.
  • Action creates clarity
  • Change the way you look at things, and the things you look at change

Sunday, May 9, 2010

International Speech Contest - An education session by Ian Faria

It was all set for the most awaited session!! Banjara hall was full with the excited sun-shiners looking forward to learn the art of “Winning the world championship of Public Speech”. Gracious presence of Mr. Ian Faria added color to the occasion.

The education session was led by, Ian Faria, the Founder Chairman for Toastmasters International - Territorial Council of South Asia. Ian Faria has been recognized as one of the best motivational trainers in India by the leading magazine “THE WEEK”. Victory in “Toastmasters International Taped Speech Contest 2001” added a feather to his bouquet of accolades.

Mr. Faria started the session with the quest to “Be The Best”. His question “Why win a contest” made each of us to inquire ourselves. So why does one want to win a contest?

* Speak better: Success elevates one’s confidence to a whole new level and creates a great sense of accomplishment. It greatly enhances the speaking skills.

* Be a role model: Winner sets a new standard and stands as a hero in the eyes of everyone.

* Lead better: Fundamental of leadership lies in communicating your thoughts clearly to your subordinates. Successful communicators make best leaders.

* More expected: By winning a contest you set the benchmark for yourself and everyone expects more from you. It pushes you towards much greater improvement.

* Kaizen: Philosophy or practices that focus upon continuous improvement. You go through a deep learning process when you walk in the path of success.

Then he shared the public speech winning formula with the audience. Winning speech is formed by the amalgamation of content and delivery with right proportions. The “Winning formula” is tested and has produced great results in all public speaking contests. Ian Faria provided invaluable tips to deliver the winning speech.

Content (50%):
* Crystal clear message – SOP(Content) /SLO (Single Line Objective)
* Opening ( 1 min – 150 words)
* Emphasize the key point
* Rhetorical device – similes, metaphors
* One winning phrase – repeated at least twice
* Summarize
* Close – 1 minute
* Humor
* Drama

Delivery (30%):

* Emotions – Roller coaster
* Effective, passionate
* Appropriate voice modulation
* Humor
* Break and acceleration
* Be loveable
* Powerful gestures
* Facial expression
* Avoid repeated words
* Connect to audience
* Use stage effectively
* Close – strong, effective, emotional, pause

Language (20%):
* Appropriate to audience
* Well prepared – grammar, phrases
* Rhetorical devices – similes, metaphors

* Idea: Idea is very critical in your success. Choose something which you are passionate about, something which makes you feel like a winner before you get up from the chair!! Your speech should have great take home value to the audience. Ultimately, every one is interested in “What’s in it for me?”
* Script: Speech script should be an evidence of the creativity of the speaker. Use rhetorical devices – similes and metaphors in your speech
* Practice: Practice rigorously
* Feedback: Feedback from the mentor and club members is very crucial in the speech crafting process. It helps you to spot your weaknesses and take corrective actions.
* Compete: Present the idea with confidence.

Winning speech of 2007 “The Swami's Question” by Mr. Vikas Jhingran was being played as the demo speech. The speech combined humor with a personal tale of being a not-so- motivated student in India. Answering the swami’s question “Who am I?” helped him to improve his grades and make it to his dream college MIT(Massachusetts Institute of Technology). Speech incorporated all qualities of the best public speech and replay of this speech served as best demo for the session.

In short, key in delivering the great speech is to connect to the audience, take them in the roller coaster of emotions and leave an indelible impression.

Quitters Never Win and Winners Never Quit!! (Speech craft final day - Speech contest)

Mount Destiny!! The Majestic Mountain beside Humdrum City.
Renowned for its marvelous valleys, dense forest

Mr. Toastmaster and fellow Toastmasters,
Very few had succeeded in reaching the peak of The Mount Destiny!!

Mike, Mark and Jack were three young men "No Goal Arcade” of Humdrum City. One day they decide to climb mount destiny… They started hiking without second thought. Soon they got to “Dead End Canyon”. Headed back to No Goal Arcade!! Moral- If you fail to plan u plan to fail!!

Days past...
Their burning desire to reach peak of destiny made them to talk to every one about their dream!!
When you really want to do something the whole universe conspires to help you in achieving it!!

An elderly man, who had climbed destiny, happened to visit their arcade one day!! He mentored them to plan the expedition!!

It’s fantastic to get great ideas… But taking a step forward your goal requires courage and determination.
Our hiking troop said adieu to “No Goal Arcade” and headed towards “Mount Destiny”
The weather was very cooperative for first couple days.But then the wind and rain started. Every step got heavier and the progress they made each hour became next to nil. Frustrated! They climbed into their sleeping bags and went to sleep.

In the morning the sun broke through the clouds.Mike and Mark were excited to get going. Jack however was nowhere to be found. In his sleeping bag there was a note. "Guys, I'm going back to the arcade to my old friends. This climb is too much work and the weather is a pain. You can go on OR can join me back at the Arcade."

Mike and Mark were not detoured from their goal. The mountain peak was still there to conquer.
Crossing many terrains they found a beautiful valley named "Good Enough Valley". They camped in the valley for few days!! They played in the sun, fished and watched the wild life with great curiosity.

Mike started getting restless!! Destiny’s peak was calling him. But Mark! Decided to stay there. Good enough valley was good enough for him.
If you settle for second best that is all you will ever be or have. Mike decided to follow his heart!!
Difficult rock walls, huge boulders and fallen trees couldn’t stop him. The air became thin and his body ached from the constant push. Determined to make it to the top!! He kept going without turning back.
Finally he succeeded in reaching the apex of destiny!!

Be the man OR woman of action!! Execution!!! Be the Michelangelo of your own life!!

Dear friends, today as I graduate from this speech craft session I had decided not to settle for the good enough valley. I am continuing my journey with Toast masters till I achieve the apex of destiny

 Quitters Never Win and Winners Never Quit!!

Let those immortal souls rest in peace!!

“Aye mere Watan ke logon
Zara Aankho me bhar lo paani
Jo shaheed huye hei unki
Zara Yaad Karo kurbani!!”

Mr. Coordinator, Toastmasters & fellow speech crafters,

Kavi Pradeep’s lines were reverberating in my ears…  
My eyes were witnessing The Great India Gate –Light of immortal soldiers!! Each of its 90 thousand bricks told the unsung story of brave heroes sacrificed their lives to save us!! I paid my tribute to the golden son’s of our nation.
Tears were rolling out from my eyes!!
Memories of 26/11 terror attacks recoiled in my mind!!
Spineless acts of those miscreants!!
Cowards sneaked into our country to show their ironic bravery.
They aimed at paving their way to heaven by ruthlessly killing countless innocent people. They openly challenged our integrity and national security!!

Our soldiers rose to the occasion and fought with heroic courage!! Few of them made the ultimate sacrifice for the honor of our country.

FORGIVING A TERRORIST is left to GOD,but fixing their appointment with GOD is OUR RESPONSIBILITY. With this mission, brave son of our soil, Major Sandeep was leading NSG commandos @ Hotel Taj. He continuously engaged the terrorists in fierce gun fight!!
Operation Black Tornado was on!! Sandeep chased the terrorists to the next floor!!  "Guys, Do not come up, I will handle them." remained as his final good bye to the world!! He fought untiringly trodden until his last breath!!  The matchless youth won immortality by his unblemished heroism!!

Television channels broadcasted the real heroes shedding their blood for saving the lives!! We mourned, wept and screamed inside our hearts for the real heroes. Valor of our martyrs soaked in the wetness of our euphoric patriotism!! But it dries out soon as we get back to life. How many of us truly will remember them? We adore the winners of 'Indian Idol' contest, but not those who have sacrificed their lives for us.
Can anyone tell, who was the 1st martyr of the Kargil War? I know it wouldn't come to you instantly. Rack your brains, take an hour or two.. still no answer, right? Google '1st martyr of Kargil war', still you wouldn't get the answer. Thats because 'Lt. Saurabh Kalia' is a page lost in the history, almost a decade ago... Sooner 26/11 martyrs would become another page in the history!!
Till lessons are not learnt, we are going to face these attacks more frequently…

At this moment, thousands of soldiers are guarding our borders and making us feel safer in our homes and offices. Let’s salute those demi-gods who are shielding us @ the cost of their own lives!!

Let’s pay our tribute to the brave soldiers who surrendered their lives to safeguard our safety and integrity!!
Let those immortal souls rest in peace!!
Let that patriotic euphoria be alive forever!!

Back to the roots ( Project3 - ToastMasters speech craft program)

Samudravasane Pruthvi ! Parvatastana mandale!!
Vishnu Patni Namastubhyam ! Paadasparsham Kshamaswame !!

Oh! Mother earth!! I offer my humble obeisance unto you!!
You have blessed me with everything I need!!
Still I am hurting you in all possible ways to fulfill my greed!!
Oh!! Divine mother, please forgive me for keeping my foot upon you!!

Mr. Coordinator, Toastmasters and Guests,

Our ancestors worshipped the river, trees, birds, animals, water, earth, air, fire … you name it… They respected each form of life!! They had realized the divinity of the nature!!
They asked for forgiveness before placing their foot on the ground!!

But now, we, the most scientifically advanced call them superstitious..!!!
Didn’t we forget our roots, while in the race for wealth?

Impact?? Now it’s hunting us all down like a cannibal...!!!!
Today, we are getting burnt by ultra violet radiations!!
Made to breath the polluted air!!
Have to eat the apple injected with pesticides!!

We see animals and plants going extinct every day - vanishing forever!!
Rising co2 level in the atmosphere has crossed 387 PPM.
It has been increasing at a rate of 45% in last 50 years.
If continued, it rises the earth’s temperature by 6 degree Celsius in next 50 years. Penalty is… none other than… the dooms day!!

Think for a while…  Do you have the solution for all these??

Can u fix the holes in ozone layer?
Can u bring salmon back up a dead stream?
Can u bring back an animal now extinct?
No… U can't..!!

You can't bring back forests where there is desert now
You can’t bring down the earth’s temperature!!
You can’t stop the ice melting down in Antarctica!!

If you can’t fix it, at-least stop breaking it!

You are standing on the edge of a cliff; a step forward is never called as progress. It is…  suicide....!!!!

Wake up guys!! There isn’t another earth!!
Remember, not a single resource is unlimited, everything is scarce.
It’s our own duty to make sure that it stays replenished.

Contribute your 2 cents to save your own planet!! Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repair and Recycle!!
You don’t need to walk an extra mile to do this. Just adapt simple strategies in your daily life.
        Rethink your mode of commute
        Ramp up your recycling strategy
        Reduce the usage of plastic
        Turn off the monitor after use
        Print a page only if it is absolute necessity
        Use the air-conditioner judiciously
        Prolong the life of electronic gadgets
        Eat smart – avoid paper cups

Last but not the least, plant a sapling for the birthday of your loved one. The most precious gift one can ever give!!

Go back to history; learn from the Geometry of Nature, Mimic Nature and take back where it was!! 
Nurture the nature for your own Future!
Live Green, Love Green and Think Green!!

Child Labor - Let's bring back the smile on those innocent faces!! ( Project2 - ToastMasters speech craft program)

10 year old Ramya was found crying near prestigious Royal Palms Complex in Mumbai.
Her hands were brutally burnt.
Eyes were dreadfully injured!!
Helplessness was evident in her expression!!

Mr. Co-ordinator, Toastmaters & Fellow Speech Crafters,

Yes, Ramya was working as maid-servant of a TV actress!!              
She was physically and mentally abused by the actress!! 

Can you imagine your child working under hellish conditions for long hours?
Even the coldest heart must find this picture shocking.
Unfortunately, the hearts of corporate leaders and high society people must be colder than ice.
They are consciously and willfully, ignoring the plight of child laborers in their runaway pursuit of profits.

Today, child labor is the most insidious form of exploitation. It turns a helpless child into another cog in the machine of the global economy.

These kids are working under grueling circumstances like..
        Weaving delicate threads to make the world’s most expensive carpets.
        Dangerous factory units manufacturing fireworks.
        Carrying loads heavier than their own body weight.

UNICEF report says 158 million children aged between 5 and 14 are engaged in child labor – which means that one in every six children in the world.

Thoughts of childhood days take us to nostalgic mood of those beautiful memories. Get back to those splendid days for a moment!!
We did enjoy life to the fullest!!

But, this is not the story with every child in this world!!

Millions of girls are working as domestic servants. They are specially vulnerable to exploitation and abuse.

As per UNICEF research, Poverty, ignorance and lack of education are the causes for child labor. Children living in the poorest households and rural areas are mostly engaged in child labor.

These children would never have had a chance to
        get an education OR
        Enjoy the exuberance of youth

My maid servant’s daughter was studying with me till the 4th std.
Suddenly, she dropped out from the school. Reason – she had to take care of house hold chores & her younger siblings @ home!! My mom’s attempt to convince the maid went in vein.

International conglomerates are in a race for highest profit.
They use innocent children to lower the production price!!
Even international trade rules support it indirectly, in the name “Liberal-Trade”.

Incredulously, WTO (World Trade Organization) has the rights to punish a country, if it refuses to buy products made by children.

Indian government prohibits the use of children in factories as well as hotels & homes.
But, Government regulations will come into action only when -
Each of us takes the responsibility to put an end to this evil…

I appeal everyone in this room to join hands with Government & non-profit organizations in ending this malevolence.  
I request you all to
- Dial 1098, if you find a child in distress
- Take an oath to not to buy anything produced by child labors
- Make donations to support NGOs like CRY, CREDA and CWC, working for the cause

In every nation, at this very moment Millions of children are bound to a sewing machine in a sweatshop.
Let those innocents know that that their cry for liberation has not gone unheard. 
Let us all do our best to bring the smile on those innocent faces!!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Who is your competitor?

(Management Views from IIM Bangalore.. An excellent article - must read for every entrepreneur... )

"Have breakfast ...or.... be breakfast"!
Who sells the largest number of cameras in India?

Your guess is likely to be Sony, Canon or Nikon. Answer is none of the above. The winner is Nokia whose main line of business in India is not cameras but cell phones.

Reason being cameras bundled with cellphones are outselling stand alone cameras. Now, what prevents the cellphone from replacing the camera outright? Nothing at all. One can only hope the Sonys and Canons are taking note.

Try this. Who is the biggest in music business in India? You think it is HMV Sa-Re-Ga-Ma? Sorry. The answer is Airtel. By selling caller tunes (that play for 30 seconds) Airtel makes more than what music companies make by selling music albums (that run for hours).

Incidentally Airtel is not in music business. It is the mobile service provider with the largest subscriber base in India. That sort of competitor is difficult to detect, even more difficult to beat (by the time you have identified him he has already gone past you). But if you imagine that Nokia and Bharti (Airtel's parent) are breathing easy you can't be farther from truth.

Nokia confessed that they all but missed the smartphone bus. They admit that Apple's Iphone and Google's Android can make life difficult in future. But you never thought Google was a mobile company, did you? If these illustrations mean anything, there is a bigger game unfolding. It is not so much about mobile or music or camera or emails?

The "Mahabharat" (the great Indian epic battle) is about "what is tomorrow's personal digital device"? Will it be a souped up mobile or a palmtop with a telephone? All these are little wars that add up to that big battle. Hiding behind all these wars is a gem of a question - "who is my competitor?"

Once in a while, to intrigue my students I toss a question at them. It says "What Apple did to Sony, Sony did to Kodak, explain?" The smart ones get the answer almost immediately. Sony defined its market as audio (music from the walkman). They never expected an IT company like Apple to encroach into their audio domain. Come to think of it, is it really surprising? Apple as a computer maker has both audio and video capabilities. So what made Sony think he won't compete on pure audio? "Elementary Watson". So also Kodak defined its business as film cameras, Sony defines its businesses as "digital."

In digital camera the two markets perfectly meshed. Kodak was torn between going digital and sacrificing money on camera film or staying with films and getting left behind in digital technology. Left undecided it lost in both. It had to. It did not ask the question "who is my competitor for tomorrow?" The same was true for IBM whose mainframe revenue prevented it from seeing the PC. The same was true of Bill Gates who declared "internet is a fad!" and then turned around to bundle the browser with windows to bury Netscape. The point is not who is today's competitor. Today's competitor is obvious. Tomorrow's is not.

In 2008, who was the toughest competitor to British Airways in India? Singapore airlines? Better still, Indian airlines? Maybe, but there are better answers. There are competitors that can hurt all these airlines and others not mentioned. The answer is videoconferencing and telepresence services of HP and Cisco. Travel dropped due to recession. Senior IT executives in India and abroad were compelled by their head quarters to use videoconferencing to shrink travel budget. So much so, that the mad scramble for American visas from Indian techies was nowhere in sight in 2008. (India has a quota of something like 65,000 visas to the U.S. They were going a-begging. Blame it on recession!). So far so good. But to think that the airlines will be back in business post recession is something I would not bet on. In short term yes. In long term a resounding no. Remember, if there is one place where Newton's law of gravity is applicable besides physics it is in electronic hardware. Between 1977 and 1991 the prices of the now dead VCR (parent of Blue-Ray disc player) crashed to one-third of its original level in India. PC's price dropped from hundreds of thousands of rupees to tens of thousands. If this trend repeats then telepresence prices will also crash. Imagine the fate of airlines then. As it is not many are making money. Then it will surely be RIP!

India has two passions. Films and cricket. The two markets were distinctly different. So were the icons. The cricket gods were Sachin and Sehwag. The filmi gods were the Khans (Aamir Khan, Shah Rukh Khan and the other Khans who followed suit). That was, when cricket was fundamentally test cricket or at best 50 over cricket. Then came IPL and the two markets collapsed into one. IPL brought cricket down to 20 overs. Suddenly an IPL match was reduced to the length of a 3 hour movie. Cricket became film's competitor. On the eve of IPL matches movie halls ran empty. Desperate multiplex owners requisitioned the rights for screening IPL matches at movie halls to hang on to the audience. If IPL were to become the mainstay of cricket, as it is likely to be, films have to sequence their releases so as not clash with IPL matches. As far as the audience is concerned both are what in India are called 3 hour "tamasha" (entertainment). Cricket season might push films out of the market.

Look at the products that vanished from India in the last 20 years. When did you last see a black and white movie? When did you last use a fountain pen? When did you last type on a typewriter? The answer for all the above is "I don't remember!" For some time there was a mild substitute for the typewriter called electronic typewriter that had limited memory. Then came the computer and mowed them all. Today most technologically challenged guys like me use the computer as an upgraded typewriter. Typewriters per se are nowhere to be seen.

One last illustration. 20 years back what were Indians using to wake them up in the morning? The answer is "alarm clock." The alarm clock was a monster made of mechanical springs. It had to be physically keyed every day to keep it running. It made so much noise by way of alarm, that it woke you up and the rest of the colony. Then came quartz clocks which were sleeker. They were much more gentle though still quaintly called "alarms." What do we use today for waking up in the morning? Cellphone! An entire industry of clocks disappeared without warning thanks to cell phones. Big watch companies like Titan were the losers. You never know in which bush your competitor is hiding!

On a lighter vein, who are the competitors for authors? Joke spewing machines? (Steve Wozniak, the co-founder of Apple, himself a Pole, tagged a Polish joke telling machine to a telephone much to the mirth of Silicon Valley). Or will the competition be story telling robots? Future is scary! The boss of an IT company once said something interesting about the animal called competition. He said "Have breakfast ...or.... be breakfast"! That sums it up rather neatly.

Brightest & Largest Moon of 2010

“Brightest and largest moon of the 2010 will be visible @ 8 PM today”. A small column in the top left corner of Times caught my attention accidentally. I generally glint through the first page n move on to editorials and business times quickly. Today being Saturday, fortunately I had looked into this small column. Othewise I would have lost the great opportunity of watching the spectacular Shashi!!

While my eyes witnessed the brightest n huge moon, canon didn’t want lag behind. Here are 
some pics from the eyes of my lovely canon…!!

Winning an International Speech Contest!!

Today we had the most awaited education session on "Winning the international Speech Contest" in our Toastermasters club(Sunshine).
Why does one want to WIN?