Wednesday, October 14, 2009

CK Prahlad - World's most influential management thinker 2009

Indian Mamangement guru CK Prahlad was voted as the world's most influential management thinker of 2009, by Suntop Media(UK)'s Thinker 50. With this he has earned the award consecutively for the second time after topping in Thinker-50 in 2007.
Malcolm Gladwell, the author of Tipping Point & Blink, was in 2nd position and Nobel Prize winning economist Paul Krugman held No 3 position.
Below is Thinker-50 list ( number in parenthesis indicate 2007 ranking):

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

My experiments with Canon

My photography leanings made last trip to home very special. Operation MACRO started soon after Saturday’s breakfast. I strolled around my house with cam in hand trying to use new skills I acquired in Madikeri trip. Many thanks to Prakashanna & Jagadish, without their help I wouldnot have learnt the art of photography.

Operation MACRO made me to see the things not only through camera lens but also a new beautiful lens over my eyes. Senses were experiencing the beauty of the nature when Canon was busy in clicking photos, as though there was a tough competition between mind and hand.

Running behind butterflies took me to those school days where me and my cousin used to fight for catching these butterflies. Keeping some specific rainy season plants in text book with the belief of getting good marks in examination makes us laugh from the bottom of stomach!!

Getting back to operation MACRO, I had gained good experience in macro photography in those two days @ home. Enjoy sample pics @