Tuesday, June 10, 2008

For visionary leaders..... - Be the reason for your people to get up in the morning!!

What is leadership? What are the characteristics of a visionary leader? I would like to put my thoughts on leadership driven by Robin Sharma’s “Leadership Wisdom”.

  1. Link Paycheck to purpose: Every human being in this world constantly looks for the opportunity to grow. Giving growth opportunity to your people everyday makes you real hero in your team.
  2. Lead by Heart – Manage by mind

    1. Cornerstones of effective human relationships:
      1. Promise keeping - I will do what I say I will do
      2. Aggressive listening – Listen with the intent to understand- not with the intent to respond
      3. Being consistently compassionate – Blend humanity with courage
      4. Truth telling -
    2. Briefly summarize and paraphrase what you have heard – Develop expressions such as – “just to make sure I understand you properly, are you saying?